Mick Jagger says The Beatles were “just a blues cover band when they started out”

Mick Jagger

Recently, Sir Paul McCartney stirred the proverbial pot by proclaiming that The Beatles were superior to The Rolling Stones. McCartney’s comments have led to a lively exchange of words between him and Mick Jagger, but there’s more to this discussion than meets the eye. Paul McCartney’s assertion that The Beatles outshone The Rolling Stones resurfaced … Read more

Brian May Explains Why He Can’t Stand Watching Himself Play Queen Songs

Brian May

Brian May, the guitarist for Queen, shared on Instagram recently about his difficulties while witnessing his own performance. He had previously seen a fan’s post with footage of him performing. The article from October 21 claims that May may be seen performing the “Bohemian Rhapsody” solo live in Austin, Texas. May shared the video on … Read more

Chad Smith Names The One Musician AC/DC Owe Everything To

Chad Smith

In a recent installment of Rhino’s “Totally ’80s” podcast, Chad Smith disclosed the identity of the person responsible for AC/DC’s sound from the start. Who Contributed To The Band’s Music? Smith said that it was difficult for him to capture the vibe that Phil Rudd brought to AC/DC’s songs. He also cited Rick Rubin’s contribution … Read more

Robert Plant’s Favorite Songs of the 1960s

Robert Plant

The 1960s were a transformative era for music, marked by the emergence of iconic bands and groundbreaking artists. One such artist who left an indelible mark on the music scene during this period was Robert Plant. In 1968, at the young age of 20, Robert Plant embarked on a remarkable musical journey when he joined … Read more

Brian Johnson Reveals His Favorite Rolling Stones Song


In the dominion of rock ‘n’ roll, scant ensembles have carved their enduring legacy as profoundly as The Rolling Stones. Their harmonies, replete with an infectious vivacity and ageless enticement, have served as a well of stimulus for countless generations of maestros. One such luminary, Brian Johnson, the iconic helmsman of AC/DC, despite the weightier … Read more