Ann Wilson Shares Robert Plant’s First Reaction To Heart’s ‘Stairway To Heaven’

Led Zeppelin received a special honor from President Barack Obama back in 2012, and Heart’s Ann and Nancy Wilson paid tribute by performing ‘Stairway To Heaven’ at the gala event. Ann shared a heartwarming moment from the after-show dinner where Robert Plant praised their rendition, saying, “You guys pulled it off,” despite usually disliking covers of the iconic song.

Nancy was thrilled when Jimmy Page complimented her guitar parts, exclaiming, “Oh my God! Oh my God! I just heard that from [Jimmy Page].” The performance was not only a tribute to Led Zeppelin but also a touching moment for the late John Bonham’s son Jason, who played drums alongside Heart that night.

Reflecting on the emotional reaction of the surviving Zeppelin members, Nancy mentioned how having Jason Bonham on drums added to the significance of the tribute. She praised the well-orchestrated event, saying, “If anybody deserved a tribute like that, it’s Led Zeppelin.”

Robert Plant later expressed his humility about the tribute night, acknowledging the impact of Led Zeppelin’s music while also being amazed at the performance of ‘Stairway To Heaven.’ He marveled at how the song connected generations and reflected on the journey of his musical career.

The Kennedy Center Honor marked a milestone for Led Zeppelin, celebrating their enduring impact on music. Plant’s sentiments captured the essence of the evening, where legendary musicians were honored, and timeless music continued to inspire across generations.


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