Jodie Whittaker and Coldplay Team Up for “Yellow” Cover on Star-Studded Children In Need Charity Album

In 2019, for Children In Need, Jodie Whittaker, then the star of Doctor Who, recorded a cover of Coldplay’s hit “Yellow” at Rak Studios in London. During her rehearsal, she received a heartwarming surprise when Coldplay’s lead guitarist Jonny Buckland and drummer Will Champion unexpectedly dropped in, nearly bringing Jodie to tears.

As a longtime fan, Jodie was overwhelmed with excitement, exclaiming, “I’m 36 but I feel like I’m 13!” Despite her nerves, she joked, “Well, I’m not singing in front of you,” only to be informed by producer Guy Chambers that she would indeed be recording with them—a dream come true.

In the studio, Jodie’s rendition of the chorus merged with Coldplay’s iconic riff, creating a powerful blend. Jonny and Will praised Jodie’s natural, Northern twang, calling it “brilliant” and refreshing to hear a different voice on their song.

Jodie’s cover of “Yellow” was part of the Children In Need charity album “Got It Covered,” featuring tracks by renowned UK actors such as Helena Bonham Carter, Olivia Colman, and Adrian Lester. Another Doctor Who star, David Tennant, also contributed with a cover of “Sunshine On Leith” by The Proclaimers.

Jodie’s acting career began at Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre, followed by her on-screen debut in the 2006 comedy-drama “Venus.” She starred in “St Trinian’s,” appeared in “Black Mirror,” and gained recognition in “Broadchurch” before making history as the first female Doctor in “Doctor Who” in 2017.

Coldplay, whose debut album “Parachutes” topped the UK charts in 2000, has remained one of Britain’s most successful bands. Jonny and Will explained their involvement in the charity project, saying, “Guy Chambers called us about recording an album for Children In Need with some well-known people. We’re here to help out… We had to figure out how to play ‘Yellow’ again since it’s been about 20 years.”

This collaboration showcased not only Jodie’s vocal talents but also the down-to-earth nature of Coldplay, endearing them even more to their fans.

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